Membership with THB
General membership of THB is open to all persons 18 years of age or older who live in, own real estate in, or work in the Town of Tewksbury, or who are otherwise interested in the purposes of Tewksbury Home Build, and who have satisfied the membership dues requirement.
Why Become a Member of Tewksbury Home Build?
As a member, you have a voice throughout the year on Tewksbury Home Build activities and voting rights at the annual meeting.
The annual membership dues of $25 is a small source of revenue toward providing Affordable Family Homes in Tewksbury.
Tewksbury Home Build is an excellent forum for people to “give back” to their community.
There are plenty of ways to get involved – if you want. Aside from the occasional physical work of building a house, help is particularly needed for fundraising, marketing, project management, procurement, and construction-related fields.