Current Projects

Florence Ave

THB acquired this small house in South Tewksbury through a public RFP process.  THB is currently acquiring the appropriate permitting to demo the house and construct a new two-story single-family home in its place.

Main Street

Tewksbury Home Build acquired land on Main Street through a private donation and has partnered with Soldier On to develop it into Veteran's Housing.

Site work has begun and construction will begin this Summer and Fall.

 Future Projects

Rebecca Lane - 2 homes

THB acquired several small lots through a public RFP process.  THB intends to combine the lots to develop two new single-family homes.

 Past Projects

South Street - 3 homes

Tewksbury Home Build (THB) acquired land with an existing dilapidated home on South Street through a public RFP process.  In partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell, the land was subdivided into three lots.  On Lot 1, Habitat for Humanity constructed a single-family home that was completed in the winter of 2018.  Concurrently, THB renovated the existing home on Lot 2, completed during the spring of 2018. THB then partnered with Shawsheen Valley Technical High School to construct a third home on Lot 3, with almost all of the construction completed by the students at Shaw Tech.  The home was substantially complete in 2020, but wasn't completely finished and until 2021 due to the Covid pandemic.

State Street - 1 home

During the summer of 2014, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell came to the Tewksbury Congregational Church to see if the members there would sponsor the first Habitat Build in Tewksbury.  A small group was formed, that quickly grew into a community wide effort, eventually leading to the incorporation of Tewksbury Home Build.  For that first build, THB raised money, identified donors of materials and labor, and provided significant volunteer support to allow the State Street home to be completed in 2015.